Friday, August 9, 2019

Important Annual Exams for Seniors 65 years and older

Annual Exams for Seniors

Annual exams are vitally important for older adults, whether it's an annual physical or annual wellness visit. A lot can change in your health over the course of one year, and these exams allow a provider to monitor your health.
Annual physicals ensure that you are up-to-date with your vaccines which help to protect against various diseases. Completing the various recommended immunizations protects not only you but the community as well. 

What's included in an Annual Physical?

The actual physical examination typically includes: 

  • Reviewing family health history
  • Reviewing patients personal health and immunization history
  • Examining the Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Vision testing
  • Height and Weight measurements
  • Listening to heart and lungs
  • Pulse and Blood Pressure checks
  • Checking for abnormalities by examining parts of the body
  • Observing range of motion, joint flexibility, spinal alignment and posture
  • Testing motor skills, reflexes, coordination and strength
  •  Hernia check

Annual Wellness Visits

This FREE visit is paid entirely by Medicare. During your Annual Wellness Visit, you and your physician will develop a plan for your health and wellness across the next year. We will review all of your medical conditions, medications and discuss any gaps in information. In addition, we will discuss medical conditions you may need to watch out for and how you can help to prevent them. Although we may give you some preventative care like a flu shot, you will not be given an actual physical exam. Preventative care can help improve your quality of life and keep you independent longer.

Vaccines for Seniors

We recommend certain vaccines for adults in order to help prevent getting and spreading diseases. Vaccines are especially important for those with chronic conditions. Speak to your physician or provider about your specific needs. We will begin scheduling Flu and Pneumonia Vaccine appointments this fall, be sure to mark your calendars with a reminder. These health tips are not a substitute for speaking to a qualified health-care provider, talk to your primary care physician or specialist today. Stay protected. Stay Healthy. Patients Matter Always!

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